Posted by on May 28, 2020 in Blog | 0 comments

Are You Prepared?

The ongoing pandemic heightens our awareness of the need to have up-to-date legal, financial and health care documents in place, as well as, documented wishes for long-term care and end-of-life care.

Senior Planning Advisors emphasizes Advanced Planning with all clients. Our client base consists primarily of seniors and family caregivers but planning ahead is just as important for a 25-year old as an 85-year old.

What are your answers to these six crucial questions?

1. Do you have legal documents indicating your designated Powers of Attorney, both financial and medical?

2. Do you have a Health Care Advance Directive?

3. Are you working with a Financial Advisor to ensure proper planning for emergency funding and your retirement years?

4. Do you have life insurance and long-term care insurance?

5. Have you documented your wishes for life-sustaining treatments and long-term care?

6. Have you made end-of-life plans and communicated your desires to your loved ones?

Life can turn on a dime. To ensure that your wishes are carried out if a sudden health event or an accident leaves you incapable of decision-making, please have the necessary plans in place. Planning ahead takes a huge burden off your loved ones because they will not have to wonder and guess what you would want.

Many people put this planning off thinking they have plenty of time to do it later. The benefit of Advanced Planning is that it takes the mystery out of decision-making when it’s necessary and minimizes the difficulties of acting in crisis.

Everyone needs this planning completed for routine everyday life, but it may be a pandemic that prompts people to act. Update your essential documents now and talk with your family to inform them of your wishes. It will be a relief for you and your family.

Rebecca Ness
Senior Planning Advisors

Senior Planning Advisors specializes in assisting seniors and family caregivers to prepare for the challenges of later life years and the logistics of aging.